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Coping with a cancer diagnosis

There’s no right or wrong way to process a cancer diagnosis. Your feelings are valid and we’re here to help you through them.

Everyone responds to a cancer diagnosis in their own way. You may have many feelings. These feelings may even conflict with each other—such as fear, numbness, and anger, among many others. Whatever you’re feeling, it is valid. There’s no right or wrong way to process a cancer diagnosis.

It’s normal to go through the “stages of grief,” which are common phases or feelings you may go through after something like a cancer diagnosis. Grief is personal and it does not follow any timelines or schedules. You may skip a stage of grief or come back to it later.

If you think you may be going through the stages of grief, here’s what you might expect at each stage and tips for getting through it. 

Finding support and comfort

When you’re ready, consider reaching out to close friends or family to share your diagnosis. Here are some things to try that may help you find comfort as you’re processing a cancer diagnosis. Consider trying them when you’re ready:

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Going for a walk
  • Spending time outside
  • Joining an in-person support group near you
  • Joining an online support group (such as Facebook Groups)
  • Seeking help from a doctor, counselor, spiritual leader, or loved one

Learn more about building your care team and which professionals can give you emotional support.